
Saving to buy: good resolutions

It's decided, in 2017, you're going to start building up a down payment to buy a property. Remember, the larger the deposit, the better the bank financing.

From the piggy bank...

As your grandmother would probably tell you: "there are no small savings". So start looking at where you can spend less, if not earn more, without, of course, considering doing without. For example, go jogging outdoors (and for free) rather than paying a monthly subscription to the gym, where you don't go much. Plan a holiday closer to home, forget about the paradise islands for a few summers, and become the ace of the web (collaborative economy, last minute flights, group purchases...). If you smoke, putting the money from your daily pack in your piggy bank is a good motivation to stop. This is the time for good resolutions, so make the most of it! And while we're on the subject of piggy banks, take out a fixed but reasonable amount at the beginning of the month to put aside. Willingness and patience are the two key words to keep in mind. Another tip: if you are planning a large purchase, wait two days before taking out your credit card. It may be that in that time the object you want is less necessary than you thought...

... to the housing savings contract

On the morning of 2 January, or a few days later, make an appointment with your banker. The best way to build up a deposit is to take out a home savings contract, so that you can be sure of putting money aside every month. Another beneficial effect is that the contributions you make, as well as the interest earned, can be deducted from your taxes (up to €672 per year). You can also claim the state bonus when you make your plans.

What are the property prices at the moment?

Prices are slowing down. Interest rates are rising. What are the trends for the coming months?
Read the analysis

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Posted on

14 December 2016
