
7 tips for developing your real estate business on Instagram

As you know, social networks are a fantastic tool for developing your estate agency. And while it may seem surprising at first, Instagram is one of the most interesting networks to use in this sector. Here are 7 tips for developing your real estate business using Instagram.

You thought that all you had to do was get on Facebook to develop your real estate business using social networks ? Think again! As a social network focused on the visual, Instagram has a lot to offer your estate agency... provided you use it in the right way.

Here are 7 tips to help you win new business on Instagram.

1. One profile per target

To maximise the impact of Instagram on your business, you need to think things through as soon as you create your profile. In order to reach the right audience with the right publications, you may need to create several dedicated profiles (for example, a B2B profile and a B2C profile). This will enable you to maximise the impact of each of your publications on the target audience.

However, you should be careful not to go overboard on this point: by creating too many profiles, you run the risk of getting lost in the shuffle and of diluting the information you are distilling. Limiting yourself to two or even three profiles is probably a good idea.

2. Thinking about content

Once you have created your profiles, it is essential to create a relevant content strategy. This means reflect your brand identityWe're here to help you achieve the goals you've set yourself.

Start by asking yourself what is strategically most important to you:

  • promote your agency;
  • sell more goods ;
  • find new mandates ;
  • strengthen the link with your existing customers;
  • position yourself as an expert.

Depending on the answer you give to this question, you can vary the content: highlighting properties, focusing on your team or your premises, information on the sector, feedback on certain sales that met the seller's expectations, etc.

And don't hesitate to playing the human cardby highlighting the role you play in your community: events, sponsorship, good deeds, etc.

3. Beautiful photos... and video

As we said at the outset, Instagram is first and foremost a network that showcases beautiful images. So make sure you take care of the quality of your photos that you publish on the network, even if it means training and acquiring some equipment. Remember, your future buyers may fall in love with you because of a photo!

What's more, while Instagram has developed as a photo-focused network, the video is also playing an increasingly important role. And no wonder: video captures attention better. In a sector like real estate, a video tour of a property, for example, can be particularly effective and arouse a great deal of interest among your followers.

TipStories are now a must on Instagram. Many of your followers no longer even scroll through the feed of publications, but simply browse through the dozens of stories waiting for them at the top of the Instagram home screen. Put this reflex to good use by publishing a story for each of your publications: this way you'll let your followers know that there's something new on your account!

4. Choosing the right hashtags

On Instagram, the hashtag acts as a keyword allowing users to find the posts that interest them. That's why it's particularly important that you accompany each of your posts with well-chosen hashtags, which will enable your target audience to find you. This is one of the most effective ways of expanding your audience.

To find the right hashtags, you need to identify those that are most relevant for your business and your location. So there's no point in using generic hashtags like #immobilier. While many users will be likely to find you, there's a good chance that you'll be drowned in the mass.

As for the number of hashtags to use, don't exaggerate: 10 is more than enough...

Good to knowDon't hesitate to take a look at what your competitors are doing in terms of hashtags, as this will certainly help you to better define your own. Generally speaking, observing what your competitors are doing is very rich in information, not only on how to go about it, but also on what's happening in the sector and where your competitors stand.

5. The discipline to publish regularly

Once you are clear about your strategy and the nature of your content, the hard part begins. You need to make sure that you maintain a sufficient rate of publication. The minimum is one publication per week, but the ideal is to double or even triple this figure.

To keep track of your Instagram account, don't hesitate to set up a publication calendar with reminders in your diary. This will ensure that you never miss a deadline and that you can continue to bring your online community to life. Otherwise, you risk disappearing into the mass of publications...

6. Use the integrated advertising tools

On Instagram, as on Facebook, it is now possible to create advertising. In particular, you can push the publications that you feel are most important for your business, to get them to reach a wider audience.

While this option is obviously more expensive than a traditional publication, it has a number of advantages:

  • the price of advertising is lower than on other networks;
  • Targeting is extremely precise (age, geographical area, gender, interests, etc.);
  • the effectiveness of advertising can be checked in real time at any time.

7. Follow accounts that are relevant to your business

As we said, there's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from what other players in the property sector are doing. These may be other agencies, but also public bodies, professional organisations, and so on.

The content proposed by these players can be used as a basis for your own content, for example if it is important information that will affect future buyers or sellers. However, be sure to always retain your own identity in your publications, the idea being not to simply copy and paste, which would remove all value from your posts.

Armed with these few tips, you should soon see your real estate business take off thanks to Instagram!

Find out all our tips for optimising your digital communication HERE.

Fanny Pimentel

Written by

Fanny Pimentel

Posted on

24 October 2022
