
How to maintain good neighbourly relations?

Maintaining good neighbourly relations, whether in a flat or a house, can make life easier. But what can you do to avoid conflict? What can you do if you have a disagreement? How can you become a great neighbour? Follow our advice!

4 tips for good neighbourly relations

Long-time neighbours or new neighbours, it doesn't matter, courtesy is a must. The ALSP (Association Luxembourgeoise des Solidarités de Proximité a.s.b.l.) explains how to be a good neighbour:

1. Greet
Saying hello, waving when you meet in the street, taking a few minutes to talk about the weather, the dog or the children... establishing a dialogue is the best way to avoid possible conflicts.

2. Prevent
Yes, you can party, but no, you can't disturb your neighbours! Are you having people over and are you likely to make noise? Give them plenty of warning. On the big day, be reasonable and if the party goes on for a long time, think about turning down the music. Are your neighbours friendly? The best way to ensure that they are not disturbed is to invite them!

3. Letting live
There is nothing worse than feeling spied on. A curtain that opens as soon as a car stops, the neighbour who comes out as soon as you step into your garden... all these actions can cause tension. Respect your neighbours' privacy and they will respect yours.

4. Help
Solidarity between neighbours helps to build relationships. Doing small favours for each other is a sign of good neighbourliness. Some examples are :
- collecting mail during the holidays
- keeping the dog for a weekend
- picking up a child from school
- ...

Know the law to avoid tensions between neighbours

Joint ownership is often a source of conflict. However, as we mentioned in our article on pruning neighbours' treesIt is regulated by law. The ULC (Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs) has created the brochure " To live as good neighbours "This is a list of your rights and obligations. Check it out!

Conflict between neighbours? What do we do?

Despite all your efforts, you have not been able to avoid conflict? Are you unable to find common ground on your own? Have you considered mediation? The CMCC (Centre de Médiation Civile et Commerciale) helps you to find a solution that is beneficial to both of you. This solution is not free and can only be considered if both parties agree to find a solution.

Do you want to be a good neighbour? This year's Neighbours' Day will take place on 25 May. What if it was an opportunity to make good resolutions or even a new start?

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Prices are slowing down. Interest rates are rising. What are the trends for the coming months?
Read the analysis

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Posted on

18 April 2018
