
Living in a flat with an animal

The secret of living with a dog or cat in a flat lies in the design of the space. Here are some tips on how to make your pet feel at home even in a small space.

Flat and pet: good idea?

One of the questions that many tenants and landlords who live in flats ask themselves is: do I have enough room for a pet? It all depends on the breed of pet in question. Often we tend to look at the size rather than the character of our future pet. This is a mistake. Some dog breeds are known for their need for physical activity. And you would be wrong to think that these are only large dogs. In a flat, choose calm dogs unless you are prepared to take your pet out several times a day to exercise.
Tip: Before adopting a pet, check the condominium rules.

How to design your interior?

Create a space for your pet:

Whatever the size of your flat, your dog or cat should have a space that is exclusively reserved for it. His basket should be in a draught-free area and in summer, out of the sun. He should always have access to his water bowl and his meals should always be taken in the same place.

Protecting stairs:

If you live in a duplex, the stairs can be dangerous for a puppy. It's a good idea to block off the stairs either by installing a removable barrier or by closing the door if the stairwell is closed.

Choosing the right floor covering:

When you have pets, tiles and vinyl flooring are more suitable than unhygienic carpeting. Also, cats like to claw on your carpets, so it's worth investing in a cat tree.

Hiding electrical cables:

Puppies and kittens are curious and like to chew on things. Be careful with your electrical cables and protect them in plastic sleeves.

Setting the alarm :

If your home has an alarm, check that the motion detectors are set so that they do not activate when your pet passes by them.

Designing the balcony:

A poorly closed window or an unsecured balcony is a real danger for young animals. Install a fence if the bars of your railing are too far apart.

What are the property prices at the moment?

Prices are slowing down. Interest rates are rising. What are the trends for the coming months?
Read the analysis

Decorating trends for living with a pet

The "Pets" market is doing wonderfully well and is arousing the interest of designers who are competing with each other to create objects that are as beautiful as they are useful. The big trend is for baskets that can be hung on the wall like a shelf. In the same spirit, there are many models of cat baskets to hang on the radiator.

The kitchen can also be specially designed for animals! Some kitchen designers offer central islands with a section reserved for bowls. This is a nice way to set up a dining area for your pets without having bowls on the floor.

In the living room, the rocking chairs are equipped with kennels where dogs and cats can lounge. Finally, the more do-it-yourselfers among us can create real cat runs with the help of simple painted boards.


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Posted on

31 January 2019
