
Changing the time, to save energy...And at home how do you do it?


Luxembourg and all Europeans will have to set their watches back one hour this weekend.

Sunday at 3am, summer is over! We are switching to winter time: at 3am it will be 2am.

This time change concerns Luxembourg and the other European countries. Compared to GMT, the difference will only be one hour instead of two.

The summer-winter dual time system was introduced in France in 1975 following the oil crisis, to allow energy savings by making activity times coincide with sunshine times in order to limit lighting requirements.

You too can take direct action on energy consumption and adopt actions that will enable you to reduce your water and electricity consumption

SDo you know that the heating and electrical appliances in your home use 85% of energy on average? Adopting the right habits will also allow you to live in a healthier home.

- Avoid overheating! To feel comfortable in your home, an ambient temperature of 19°C in the living room and 17°C in the bedroom is more than enough. What's more, it's healthier. If you are cold, think about covering up first before turning up the thermostat. Is it reasonable to walk around naked in a house heated to 22°C? If you are going away for several days, remember to turn off the heating or turn it down to 12°C in winter.

- Also remember to clear the space in front of the radiators so that the heat can spread properly.

- Ventilate for 5 minutes every morning. The air in the house is contaminated by VOCs (formaldehyde, solvents, etc.), so it is necessary to clean up the house by opening the windows and turning off the heating beforehand.

- Whether in winter to stop the cold or in summer to stop the sun's rays, the shutters allow you to prevent too great a difference in temperature between inside and outside. You will keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer.

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- Check your water heater: a water temperature of 60°C is more than enough, beyond that, consumption increases unnecessarily (+30% for water heated to 80°C)

- Bleed radiators: do this twice a year for optimum efficiency

- Make the right choices when it comes to equipment: refrigerators, washing machines, ovens... household appliances have an energy label that ranks them from very energy efficient (A or even A++) to very energy intensive (G). Making the right choice will allow you to make substantial savings.

- Don't forget the eco-gestures: don't leave appliances on when you are not using them. Standby mode still consumes energy, and for nothing

- Water is a precious commodity that is not inexhaustible! Turning off the water while brushing your teeth, fixing a leaky toilet ... It counts!

Now you are ready to save energy at home!

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Posted on

28 October 2011
